Now that you’ve officially summoned a Portal in which you control the fate of the universe, you can invite your friends to bring some life to the party! Demiplane allows you to invite your friends using their email address or by sharing a direct link to your Adventure Portal. If you’re looking to see how to use Demiplane Matchmaking features to help fill your Portal, click here.
Direct Email Invites
If you have a brand new Portal, you can invite your friends via email address directly from the main Portal screen. If your Portal already has two or more members, or you like exploring menus, you can also invite users from the “Active Party & Roles” screen of your “Portal Settings.”
After signing in with their Demiplane account, friends invited over email must accept your invitation before gaining full access to your Portal. If the invitee has a Demiplane account, you can leave messages for them while you’re waiting.
Using the Portal Invite Link
If you’ve created or joined an Adventure Portal that you want to share with friends or on social media, you can post a link that allows others to join. This is called your Adventure Portal’s “Invite Link”. You can find an invite link by visiting the “Active Party & Roles” menu as the Leader of the Portal. If you are not the Leader of the Portal you wish to share, you can grab an invite link by visiting the Portal Settings () menu.
When someone from outside of your Portal opens your “Invite Link,” they will be sent directly to your Adventure Portal where they can start chatting with the Game Master or Portal’s Leader.
Before someone who uses an Invite Link gains full access to your Portal, that person must both (1) be approved by the Game Master or Portal Leader to join, and (2) indicate that they do, in fact, wish to enter your wondrous Portal.