Changing Your Character's Profile Picture

Showcase your Character's style by uploading a profile picture specific to their Adventure! In addition to uploading a general Demiplane-wide profile picture, you can also upload an image to represent your character within a specific Adventure Portal. 


In order to upload an image, open the Adventure Portal that houses the Character whose image you would like to update. 

In the top right, above "My Party", there is a Settings button: 1.png Click on it to open your Portal Settings and select "Your Character Details". From here you can change your display name to your Character's name and upload a photo of your Character. Select "Adventure Avatar" and "Select Photo" to upload a .PNG or .JPEG. Once you've selected the picture you want, you can zoom or rotate the image by moving the slider bars underneath the picture. Need to adjust the center of your picture? Select and drag the image to adjust its position within the Avatar Upload window.  



Once it is at the size and placement you want, click "Save Adventure Profile" to save your preferences.


Now the other members of your Adventure Portal can see your display image as your Character's Profile Picture! You can change this image as many times as you like to fit your character.

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