With an Adventure Portal at your fingertips, you can witness how Demiplane helps you and your band of misfits to play, plan, explore, and get in and out of trouble together.
Each Adventure Portal keeps your Adventures running smoothly, including live and interactive voice and video capabilities, shared journaling and task tracking across your Party, and group inventory. Each Portal also has features to handle out-of-game logistics, like scheduling, so you can focus on the Adventure at hand.
Scheduling an Adventure
Scheduling your next Adventure enables you and your Party to easily confirm who’ll be able to attend (and who cannot). Your Portal will also poll all current players to ask if they’re available for the next episode as soon as the current one is finished.
Scheduling on Desktop: To schedule your next episode on desktop, select the calendar button in the top-right corner of your Adventure Portal. Then, select a date and time and, if you’d like, the frequency of this Adventure.
Scheduling on Mobile: To schedule your next episode from your smartphone, select the “Portal Details” button from the bottom navigation (a circle with an “i” in it), then select the “Next Episode” tab.
You can use this screen to schedule the next episode and, if you’d like, set the frequency of play for this Adventure if you are the Game Master.
If you are a player, use the schedule feature to indicate whether you can attend the next scheduled episode (or change your availability if you’ve previously indicated one way or the other).
Using Adventure Tools
Every Portal comes with a collection of Adventure Tools to keep Game Masters and Adventurers engaged with whatever the dice lords toss your way! To explore Adventure Tools that come in your Adventure Portal, select the “Show Adventure Tools” button in the top left corner of your Portal while on desktop or press the Adventure Tools icon in the bottom navigation bar while on mobile.
Tip: We’ve built your Adventure Portal so that any active video remains front-and-center while your Portal’s Tools are in use. To all you GMs out there - feel free to catch up on your notes while your party is chatting about where to go next!
Active Adventure Tools on Desktop
Active Adventure Tools on Mobile
Adventure Tools open with Active Video
Ending Your Adventure & Earning Rewards
To end an episode on Demiplane, the Game Master should select the “End Episode & Open Ratings” button while on desktop or the “End” button in the top right corner of their mobile device when in the Adventure Portal.
Everyone in the Adventure will be prompted to rate each others’ performances, provide any anonymous feedback they may have for the Game Master, and hand out awards for a job well done. This is also where players are asked if they’d like to tip their Game Master.
End Episode & Open Ratings Button
For Game Masters hosting paid Adventures, ending (and starting) the episode is required to trigger any payments. If a Game Master does not end an episode, players will not be immediately prompted to share ratings and rewards. If you are in a paid session, there may also be a delay in processing payments.