Users can enter advanced dice rolling commands into Demiplane's Dice Drawer. See below for details about what commands are available.
- Using Roll commands
- Rolling in Game Chat
- Basic Dice Commands
- Rolling Advantage or Disadvantage
- Advanced Dice Commands
- Selectors used in Advanced Dice Commands
Using the Dice Roller
To open Demiplane's dice roller, select the icon of the twenty-sided die next to the chat entry field. This will open the 'Your Dice' drawer. Select an icon of the dice to add that die to a roll. After selecting which dice to roll, use the increment buttons to add to or subtract a flat value from the results. Press the ( x ) button to clear the Dice Roller before rolling.
Make your roll
If you wish to perform a more advanced calculation, you can enter a dice rolling command in the 'Your Dice' drawer. Using this format allows you to roll in a [x]-d-[y] format, where [x] = the number of die you'd like to roll and [y] = the number of sides each die should have.
For Example: '4d6' results in four six-sided dice being rolled.
If you want to save a roll that you use frequently, select "Favorite this Roll" and enter a name for the roll. You can access favorite rolls by opening the Dice Roller and selecting "Favorites" and then the name that you saved the roll under.
Rolling in Game Chat
Standard Roll Command - On-demand
- /roll 2d10
- /r 1d6
Favorite Roll Commands - Roll named favorites
- /fav bladezilla
- /f bladezilla
Whisper Roll to GM Commands - Send roll results directly to your Game Master
- /rollgm 2d20+5
- /rgm 1d20+8
- /favgm persuasion
- /fgm meleeatk
You can roll directly from your game chat by typing /r or /roll and the command.
For Example: typing '/r 4d6' results in four six-sided dice being rolled. Results are displayed in your Adventure Portal's "Game" channel.
If you have any "Favorite Rolls", you can roll them in-game chat by typing /f or /fav and then the name of the roll that is saved in your favorites. Also, when you roll a Favorite Roll from the dice roller or chat, it will display the roll name, rather than the roll formula.
For Example: if you favorite the roll for your 1d8 battle axe under the name "Bladezilla" and type /fav bladezilla into chat, Bladezilla and the total of the roll will appear in your Adventure Portal's Game channel.
Basic Modifiers: +, -, *, and /
You can add to, subtract from, multiply, or divide your dice results. Entering a basic modifier following your dice roll (with no space) to modify your roll.
- '4d6+6' = roll four six-sided dice (4d6) and add six to the result (+6).
- '2d8-2' = roll two eight-sided die (2d8) and subtract two from the result (-2).
- '3d4*2' = roll three four-sided die (3d4) and multiply the result by two (*2).
- '1d100/3' = roll one hundred-sided die (1d100) and divide the result by three (/3)
Rolling Advantage & Disadvantage
Roll Advantage by adding 'adv' after your roll command or roll Disadvantage by adding 'dis' after your roll command.
- 1d20+5 adv = roll one twenty-sided die twice, take the highest, and add 5.
- 1d20+5 dis = roll one twenty-sided die twice, take the lowest, and add 5.
Advanced Commands
The Demiplane dice roller currently supports several Advanced Commands. Advanced Commands are often used in conjunction with a 'selector,' which helps tailor your Advanced Command.
Keep ('k') & Drop ('p')
When rolling dice, use keep ('k') and drop ('p') to either drop a certain number of the lowest results or keep only a certain number of the highest.
Keep Example: 4d6kh3
'4d6kh3' = roll four six-sided dice (4d6) and keep the three highest results (kh3). Keep ('k') is the Advanced Command. Highest 3 ('h3') is the selector.
Drop Example: 2d20pl1
'2d20pl1' = roll two twenty-sided dice (2d20) and drop the lower of the two results (pl1). Drop ('p') is the Advance Command. Lowest 1 (l1) is the selector.
Reroll: Once ('ro'), Infinitely ('rr'), and Reroll Once & Sum ('ra')
Some situations will require you to reroll when a certain condition is met, such as when you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage roll and get to reroll due to an in-game mechanic. You can use the Advanced Reroll and selector commands to accomplish this.
Reroll Once example: 2d6ro<2
'2d6ro<2' = roll two six-sided dice. If the results of either dice roll is below 2, reroll that die one time.
Reroll Infinitely example: 1d10rr>9
'1d10rr>9' = roll one ten-sided die. If the result is greater than 9, reroll that die until the result is not greater than 9.
Reroll Once & Sum example: 4d4ra>2
'4d4ra>2' = roll four four-sided dice. If you roll a result that is greater than 2, reroll that die. Include both the original roll and the new roll to the final count.
Exploding Dice ('e')
Exploding dice trigger an additional die be rolled given a certain value or condition is achieved.
Exploding Dice example: 6d8e8
'6d8e8' = roll six eight sided dice. If the result of one of the dice is an eight, roll another die. If that roll is also an eight, roll again. If not, continue rolling the remaining dice.
Minimum ('mi') and Maximum ('ma') results
The Minimum and Maximum results commands rewrite any roll that is lower or higher than a set minimum or maximum value to appear as the set value.
Minimum example: 3d12mi4
'3d12mi4' = roll three twelve-sided dice. If the result of any of the dice is lower than 4, increase the result to 4. If that roll is 4 or higher, keep the result.
Maximum example: 1d100ma67
'1d100ma67' = roll a one hundred-sided die. If the result of the roll is greater than 67, reduce the result to 67. If the roll is 67 or lower, keep the result.
Selectors used to modify Advanced Commands
- lx = use the lowest number of results, where 'x' is the number of results to use.
- hx = use the highest number of results, where 'x' is the number of results to use.
- > = greater than
- < = less than