Matchmaking: Chatting with, Accepting, or Declining Interested Players

You will receive notifications on Demiplane as interested players connect with your Adventure. These notifications can be viewed in the Notification panel or by selecting your Portal token on Demiplane’s Adventures screen. The Notification panel can be opened by selecting the bell icon in the top right-hand corner of your internet browser.


Players who are interested in joining your Adventure appear in the “Pending Party” Pending Party.pngof your Demiplane. Game Masters can find the “Pending Party” menu by selecting the “Pending Party” Icon in the “My Party” toolbar.  


Pending Party 2.png

Location of Pending Party Icon


To chat with, accept, or remove interested players, select the user’s name or profile picture. This will open a private chat between you and the interested player. 

  • To chat with the player, type your message in the available chatbox.
  • To accept the player to your Adventure, select “Accept”. Both you and the player must accept for them to join the Portal.
  • To remove the player from your Adventure Portal, select the button with the red ‘X’ on it.
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