You can enable your ‘Recruitment Profile’ section by navigating to your Demiplane profile. To customize your profile, select “Recruitment Settings” and activate the toggle next to “Recruitment as Adventurer,” “Recruitment as Game Master,” or both.
- Select “Recruitment as Adventurer” if you’d like to allow Game Masters to recruit you as a player.
- Select “Recruitment as Game Master” if you’d like to allow groups of three or more players to recruit you as their potential Game Master.
Setting Your Availability
To ensure that you are recruited to Adventures that fit your schedule, you can select the days and times you are available to play! To set your availability...
- Select “My Availability” under your Recruitment Settings to set when you seek to Adventure or Game Master.
- For example: if you wish to be recruited to play or host during Sunday evenings, select the box at the intersection of “Su” and “EVENING”. The box will turn green when activated.
- After you have set your availability, select the back arrow in the top left of the “My Availability” menu. Your information will be saved.
Availability Menu
Select Game Systems You Want to Play
Do you have those two or three games that you are ALWAYS willing to play? Select the “My Game Systems” button to set which games - everything from GURPS to D&D - you would like to be considered for. You are able to select more than one game system, so select any you’d be interested in being recruited to join! There are over 180 game systems listed on Demiplane: if you don’t find the one you’re looking for, contact us.
After you’ve chosen your game systems, select the back arrow in the top left corner of the “My Game Systems” menu. Your information will be saved.
Game Systems Drawer
Select the Adventuring Platform You Use
You may be interested in choosing which Adventuring Platform or Virtual Tabletop you use to play your favorite games. This is an important selection if you’re looking to be recruited as a Game Master. Select from the list of Adventure Platforms to ensure you are Recruited for a system you are familiar with.
Adventure Platforms Drawer
Set a Minimum Match Score
Demiplane uses your preferred playstyle to highlight Adventures that match your interests. Our Recruitment engine uses this to ensure that you are only invited on quests that reflect the style of Adventures you enjoy playing or Game Mastering!
You have control over the minimum match score to an Adventure that you’ll allow yourself to be invited to. If you prefer a close match, set your match score threshold higher. If you are interested in playing a game based on your other preferences regardless of the style, set your match score threshold lower.