Paid Adventures are game sessions that charge active players a set cost per episode. Demiplane and Stripe securely facilitate payments between Players and Game Masters following Demiplane’s unique Paid Adventure Promise.
Creating a Paid Adventure Portal
To create a paid Adventure Portal, follow the steps below:
- Step One: Select the “New Portal” button on the Adventures home screen.
- Step Two: Enter your new Adventure Portal’s name and the Game System you will be playing.
- Step Three: Select “Yes, this is a Paid Adventure.”
- Step Four: Set the price per player, per session your players will pay when taking part in the Adventures hosted in this portal. This price will be displayed to others.
- Step Five: Select “Confirm” to create your Portal
Note: You cannot change the price per player, per episode in an Adventure Portal once it has been created.
Launching a Paid Adventure
Launching a paid Adventure in Demiplane is simple and has been designed to ensure both Game Masters and Adventurers can focus on the fun at hand. To launch a paid Adventure in Demiplane, follow the steps below after you have gathered your players into your Adventure Portal:
- Step One: Select the “Launch Adventure” button in your paid Adventure Portal. This will send a notification to your players that the next episode of your story is about to begin!
Note: Game Masters can also launch an Adventure by activating their voice or video chat on desktop. As long as the Adventure has not yet started, Game Masters will be asked if they’d like to “Launch their Adventure” after joining voice or video chat.
Note: If there are players already in video or voice chat when a Game Master launches a Paid Adventure, they will receive an alert asking them to rejoin the Adventure. This is done automatically.
Note: If you have accidentally launched your Adventure, you can select “End” to cancel the session.
- Step Two: After launching your paid Adventure, the episode officially begins when one of your players selects the ”Join Episode!” button or enters voice or video chat.
Note: Prior to joining, Demiplane confirms with each player that they are taking part in your paid Adventure.
Paid Adventure Promise: 1-hour Grace Period
Players who participate in a paid Adventure for more than 1 hour will be charged for the session. If a player chooses to leave the Adventure prior to one-hour passing, that player will not be charged and the Game Master will be alerted that one of their players has decided to leave the episode early.
Adventures who leave an episode prior to the end of the episode will not be allowed back into voice and video until the Game Master ends the current episode.
Ending a Paid Episode
To end your episode, select “End Episode & Open Ratings” in your Adventure Portal. This will end your episode. It will also open ratings for everyone who participated.
Demiplane Fees
Game Master’s receive 95% of any tips and the cost per player, per episode.
Players are charged an incremental fee of $0.31 + 5.5% of any tips and the cost per player, per episode.