To enable matchmaking in Demiplane, open the Portal Settings while you’re the Game Master and follow the steps listed below. Settings are saved after selecting the “Back” arrows in each Portal Settings menu.
Before you begin, ensure the Role of “Game Master” is filled in the portal you've created. You can do this by navigating to the Portal Settings and selecting “Active Party & Roles.” If there is no Game Master, you will not be able to find players to join your Portal. If you are looking to find a group of players, consider joining an existing Adventure yourself.
Note: The Game Master handles all matchmaking, so, if you would like to handle selecting players to join, make sure you’ve assigned yourself the GM role. As the Portal leader, you can reassign this role when you’re finished finding players.
Step One: Navigate to ‘Portal Settings’ and select the Adventure Type you would like to display to other players.
- One-Shot: This lets interested players know you’ve got a single episode up your sleeve and it’s going to be great.
- Campaign: Use this Adventure type when you’re looking to get a group of players together for a longer-running Adventure with multiple episodes.
- Quick Match: If “wild-n-crazy” ever existed in tabletop games, this is it; set a soon approaching time and date you want to play. Users who want to join are automatically accepted as they apply. Finally, a way to find an Adventure for your “suddenly” open Friday night!
Step Two: Enter details about your Adventure.
This includes a brief description of your Adventure, the platform or Virtual Tabletop you use (if any), and an invite link the player can use to join after they’ve been granted full access to your Portal (optional). -
Step Three: Use Demiplane’s ‘Theme Score’ sliders to indicate what type of Adventures you or your group likes to play.
Step Four: Select an Adventure cover image that adds some pizazz to your Portal!
Step Five: Set the days of the week and times during those days that you are looking to start this Adventure.
Most interested players prefer specific time windows instead of broad availability. - Tip: a Game Master looking for players to start playing between 7pm and 9pm on Monday will typically fill faster than a Portal looking for players that may start on any day of the week and at any time.
Step Six: Select ‘Turn Matchmaking On.’
Step Seven:
Indicate how many additional seats you’d like to have filled in your Adventure. - Tip: If you have four players and wish to have five, you would indicate that you have one (1) additional seat to fill.
- Tip: If you’d like to allow users to automatically join your Portal, the Game Master can select “Allow Auto Join” and set a minimum match score that allows interested players above that threshold to gain automatic access to your Portal.
Once this process is complete, the Adventure Portal’s Game Master can activate/deactivate Matchmaking as desired from the Portal Settings menu.