Note: Prior to recruiting Game Masters to your Adventure Portal, you’ll need to ensure you’ve filled out your Portal Details for Matchmaking. You can read more about entering Portal Details for Matchmaking, here.
Follow the steps below to recruit interested Game Master after adding the necessary details to your Adventure Portal:
Step One: Have three or more players in your Adventure Portal.
- You must have three or more players in your Adventure Portal before you can recruit a Game Master.
If you are the only player in an Adventure Portal and you are seeking to find a group, visit our guide on Finding and Joining the perfect Portal in Demiplane.
Step Two: Remove the current Game Master from the Game Master role.
- You cannot recruit a Game Master to your Adventure Portal if you currently have a Game Master in your Adventure Portal.
- Leaders can adjust roles for their Portal by opening “Portal Settings” and navigating to the “Active Party & Roles” menu.
Ejected Game Masters are moved into a “player” role in the Adventure Portal.
Step Three: Review and Recruit
- If you are the only member of your Adventure Portal, Demiplane will populate potential recruits on the main screen of your Adventure Portal under “Recruit Adventurers to Join”. Select the (plus button image) to invite the user to consider your Adventure. Select “View All” to see a full list of potential recruits.
- You can select the Recruitment button in the top right corner of the “My Party” card to review recruits after you have completed the required settings for matchmaking for your Portal. This will open the full list of potential recruits that have indicated they’d like to be recruited to an Adventure Portal like yours.
You do not need to have Matchmaking activated in order to recruit users.
Step Four: Get to know your Recruited Game Master
- Users who have been recruited to your Adventure Portal will appear in the “Pending Party” tab of the “My Party” card (see image below). Recruited Game Masters will be tagged with a badge that reads “Recruited.”
The Portal’s Leader can select the profile image of the user to open a direct chat with the recruited Game Master as well as click “View Profile” in the chat window to inspect the Game Master’s Profile.
Step Five: Invite the Game Master
Portal Leaders can accept recruited Game Masters into their Adventure Portal by selecting “Accept” in the top right corner of the chat window.
- If this user is not a good fit, you can select the red ‘X’ button in the top right corner of the chat window and it will dismiss the user from your Adventure Portal.
- The Game Master will gain full access into your Adventure Portal once they also select “Join Adventure.”
Portal Leaders can accept recruited Game Masters into their Adventure Portal by selecting “Accept” in the top right corner of the chat window.